Hey there , this is probably your first interaction with the blog , well Sir/Madam i have the honors that you have stepped to my doors. Well as the title of this blog suggests , i wanted to get away with some of the reasons on why i created this blog.
Besides the Idea of ruling the world, i created this blog as a way to share back what i have learned so far from the community and share my ideas and thoughts with the whole world ,sounds pretty cliche' right?
Well just bear with me here , i have a theory and am kinda testing the worth of this theory ,well actually the theory is not mine , it belongs to one of the greatest teachers and mentors to ever live Richard Feynman , and he called it The Feynman technique, what basically this theory suggests is that when you learn something new and you want to test if you actually grasped the idea well you try to teach it to other people , and what is more gorgoues than the people of the internet to try to explain the ideas am constantly learning to , not only i get to test if i can explain things well in articles but also get to learn from you guys , the internet , i get to cement those ideas in my PepeHands subconscious so for that i am really grateful. check out this artcile if you want to learn more about it